בודיבילדר מקצועי, השרירן קריס קורמיר

בודיבילדר מקצועי, השרירן קריס קורמיר.

ברודריק כריסטופר קורמייר (Broderick Christopher Cormier) נולד ב-19 באוגוסט, 1967, הידוע בשם כריס קורמייר, הוא שרירן מקצועי בפדרציה הבינלאומית אמריקנית של השרירנים.

היסטוריה תחרותית בפיתוח שרירים:

1987 NPC Teen Nationals, Light-Heavyweight, 1st

1991 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 4th

1993 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 1st and Overall

1994 Arnold Classic, 4th

1994 Grand Prix France, 7th

1994 Grand Prix Germany, 6th

1994 Ironman Pro Invitational, 2nd

1994 Mr. Olympia, 6th

1995 Grand Prix England, 5th

1995 Grand Prix France, 5th

1995 Grand Prix Germany, 4th

1995 Grand Prix Russia, 5th

1995 Grand Prix Spain, 4th

1995 Grand Prix Ukraine, 4th

1995 Night of Champions, 4th

1995 Mr. Olympia, 6th

1996 Grand Prix Czech Republic, 8th

1996 Grand Prix England, 8th

1996 Grand Prix Germany, 7th

1996 Grand Prix Russia, 8th

1996 Grand Prix Spain, 8th

1996 Grand Prix Switzerland, 8th

1996 Mr. Olympia, 7th

1997 Canada Pro Cup, 3rd

1997 Grand Prix Czech Republic, 2nd

1997 Grand Prix England, 2nd

1997 Grand Prix Finland, 2nd

1997 Grand Prix Germany, 6th

1997 Grand Prix Hungary, 8th

1997 Grand Prix Russia, 4th

1997 Grand Prix Spain, 6th

1997 Night of Champions, 1st

1997 Mr. Olympia, 8th

1997 Toronto Pro Invitational, 3rd

1998 Arnold Classic, 5th

1998 Grand Prix Finland, 4th

1998 Grand Prix Germany, 4th

1998 Mr. Olympia, 6th

1999 Arnold Classic, 3rd

1999 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st

1999 Mr. Olympia, 3rd

2000 Arnold Classic, 2nd

2000 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st

2001 Arnold Classic, 2nd

2001 Grand Prix Australia, 1st

2001 Grand Prix England, 2nd

2001 Grand Prix Hungary, 2nd

2001 Grand Prix New Zealand, 2nd

2001 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st

2001 Mr. Olympia, 5th

2001 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st

2002 Arnold Classic, 2nd

2002 Grand Prix Australia, 1st

2002 Grand Prix Austria, 1st

2002 Grand Prix England, 3rd

2002 Grand Prix Holland, 2nd

2002 Ironman Pro Invitational, 1st

2002 Mr. Olympia, 3rd

2002 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 2nd

2002 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 3rd

2003 Arnold Classic, 2nd

2003 Grand Prix Australia, 1st

2003 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 2nd

2003 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 7th

2004 Arnold Classic, 2nd

2004 Grand Prix Australia, 2nd

2004 Grand Prix England, 2nd

2004 Grand Prix Holland, 2nd

2004 Mr. Olympia, 7th

2005 Arnold Classic, 2nd

2005 Grand Prix Australia, 2nd

2005 Mr. Olympia, 13th

2005 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st

2007 IFBB Montreal Pro Classic, 4th. 


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

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