איך לעשות לחיצת חזה בשכיבה ?

איך לעשות לחיצת חזה ? How to Bench Press 

Here’s how to Bench Press with proper form:

Lie on the bench with your eyes under the bar

Grab the bar with a medium grip-width (thumbs around the bar!)

Unrack the bar by straightening your arms

Lower the bar to your mid-chest

Press the bar back up until your arms are straight

Hold the weight for a second at the top, with straight arms. Breathe. Then take a big breath, hold it, and lower the bar again.

The Bench Press is a full body, compound exercise. It works your chest, shoulders and triceps most. It’s the most effective exercise to gain upper-body strength and muscle mass because it’s the upper-body exercise you’ll lift most weight on (more than Overhead Press). The bigger your bench, the bigger your chest.


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