how to do a squat with a bar? kobi ezra

how to do a squat with a bar? kobi ezra

How do you do the squat exercise correctly?, what are the benefits of the squat exercise and how do you avoid unnecessary injuries? All this in the video in front of you. Hello, my name is Kobi Ezra, your specialist in naturopathic medicine and exercise.

First I will mention that a squat is a basic functional exercise in which the exerciser descends to a squat position and returns back to a standing position until fully straightened. So you must be asking how to do squats in practice and correctly?

The starting position in the squat: the position of the feet should be on the point slightly larger than the width of the shoulders. The feet should be tilted at an angle of approximately 45 degrees outwards.

The angle of the neck and head in the squat: should be neutral, it is recommended to look forward and focus on one point throughout the exercise.

The beginning of the movement will be done by taking the pelvis outward and bending the knees until the upper part of the knee passes the hip joint. The movement is called a full squat.

At every step of the descent, make sure that the back is straight, keep the chest lifted, and make sure that the center of gravity is on the heels.

Once you have reached the bottom, you must harmoniously climb back up to the starting position.

It must be said that there are certain trainees who are unable to do a full squat due to a poor level of flexibility (mainly in the hamstrings and the ankle joint) and therefore there is a need to perform flexibility exercises in order to improve the range of motion and the technique of performing the exercise.

Squat benefits: The squat contributes to strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks mainly. Improving the mobility of the lower body. Reducing the risk of knee injuries. Maintaining the health and strength of bones and joints.

Reduces pain resulting from weakness in the stabilizing muscles. Reduction of pain in the lower back as a result of strengthening the stabilizing muscles. In addition, the exercise contributes to maintaining bone mass, thus preventing osteopenia that may develop into osteoporosis.

It should be noted that there are different types of squats, such as Front Squat, Sumo Squat, Squat in Smith machine or deep lunges, which is actually a squat on one leg, etc., but the exercise that is recommended to start with is a classic squat without additional weight and later to add.


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